Frameworks & Finance

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10 signs your career has stalled and 8 ways to jumpstart it

May 12, 2022

So I sold my first cohort spots this week. In case you missed it, earlier this week I announced that I will be teaching a cohort May 25-27 geared at helping business owners and leaders better understand financial statements.

It’s a 3-day sprint format because I know you’re all busy professionals and don’t have the time.

If you’re interested, go to the landing page here and use the code “EMAILCREW” to get $150 off.

For those that take the cohort, buckle up, because transformation is right around the corner. Once you learn how to decode financials into a coherent story, you’ll find yourself at your beach house with not a care in the world because no one ever offered a course without unreasonable expectations, right?

Don’t delay — get in early and we’ll jump on a call and cater the course to your needs. See you inside.


I’ve always been a golfer. I started as a young tike and would join my dad on his rounds.

He made a rule that I could hit my ball but only if I hit before he got to it.

Each time we went out it became a game. I ran, ran, ran to my ball. Hit it, ran ran ran to my ball.

Over time, I developed a love for the game.

During my summers in college, that turned into playing 4-5 times per week and walking 18 holes after working for 8 hours at my summer job.

As I got into the real world, it wasn’t feasible to continue. As I played less, my interest waned. Some of it was having other things to do, but another part of it was not being as good.

It’s unrealistic to maintain your skill level when you only play once a week versus 4-5, and I knew this. But despite the knowledge, it was still discouraging.

Because of a lack of attention, my skills stagnated. I wasn’t focused on improving or playing, so naturally, I got a little worse and a little worse.

You don’t notice it at first. At first, you just think you played a bad round. Then you think your swing is off. Then it seems not all the components are lining up.

But after a year or two of being worse, you have to realize you are worse.

In the same way that my golf skills stagnated and then declined, the same thing can happen personally and professionally.

I’m not going to walk you through this in this newsletter, because I wrote 2 pieces of content on this that will do that for you.

First, I wrote a thread on 10 signs that show you’re stagnating. You can read it here:

Those signs are:

  1. You’re afraid

  2. You’re bored

  3. You’re distracted

  4. You seek comfort

  5. You procrastinate

  6. You’re burned out

  7. You’re overloaded

  8. Conflict with your boss

  9. Haven’t learned anything new

  10. No accomplishments in > 6 months

In my latest podcast, I talked about 8 strategies to stave off the stagnation. You can listen here.

I’d love to know what you think, so give it a listen and reply to this email with your takeaways.

I hope that this content and the other content like it is helpful. I write about this stuff because these frameworks help me self-assess and the goal is they do the same for you.

What I'm reading

I finished Fierce Conversations, as promised. Not a huge fan. I felt like it could have been a third of the length and nothing would have been lost.

I started reading Undistracted by Bob Goff and am enjoying it a few chapters in. Bob is a unique character that brings joy to life and his writing. He has sold millions of books and actually published his cell phone in each of them!

How crazy is that?!?

As with all his books, he loops in stories that entertain and keep it light. I'll let you know my overall review next week.

Question of the week

When have you found yourself stagnating?

How did you pull yourself out of the rut?


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