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10 ways to be more content in life

May 05, 2022

Later today or tomorrow, I'll be launching my cohort-based course (ie. an interactive online training course) with a friend Clint Murphy.

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No matter who you are, it's easy to get caught up in comparison.

Comparison to your friends, your coworkers, your community... the ways we can compare are endless.

When you add social media to the list, it becomes even more difficult to stop comparing ourselves to others.

So how can we shut down comparison and finally be content?

The problem many have is they seek contentment in outside things.

The new job. The house. The car.

Focusing on outside things can bring you temporary happiness, but it won't bring you contentment. The reality is, once you get that "thing," the goalposts move.

Contentment can only come with true satisfaction in where you are.

So back to the question: how can we be more content. Here is a brief list:

  1. Express gratitude

  2. Breathing exercises/meditating - releases the anxiety

  3. Remind yourself of what is true (Philippians 4:8)

  4. Focus on the small things in the present

  5. Serve others

  6. Choose positivity

  7. Set a vision; chase your goals

  8. Stop comparison in its tracks

  9. Accept imperfection

  10. Acknowledge failure

If you want to deep dive into these, I talk about this in-depth on my latest podcast episode. You can listen to it here.

What I'm reading

So... confession time. I've hardly read this week. I've probably read less this week than any week in the last 10 years. That means I'm still on Fierce Conversations by Susan Scott, which I mentioned last week.

I should have more to report next week, so stay tuned.

Question of the week

What techniques do you use to stop comparison in your life?


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